Sunday, 23 April 2017

8 Non-Dairy, Calcium-Rich Foods for Your Teeth

Below is an excerpt from an article found on 

Caring for your teeth means more than brushing and cleaning between them every day. It also means paying attention to the foods you eat. 

One of the most important nutrients for healthy teeth is calcium. Calcium strengthens the hard outer shell of your tooth called enamel, which is your teeth’s defense against erosion and cavities. To protect your teeth and get the 1,000-2,000 mg daily recommended amount of calcium, many people turn to dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt. 

If you’re lactose intolerant or need to limit dairy, there are a number of foods that can still give you the calcium you need. Calcium is found naturally in some foods, while others - such as juice, tofu and even waffles - are now fortified with added calcium. 

Here are some non-dairy options from the USDA Food Composition Database to help keep your body and smile strong.

Orange Juice with Added Calcium

Oranges naturally have a bit of calcium, but many varieties of orange juice (already a top source of vitamin C) now come fortified with calcium. For example, frozen orange juice from concentrate with added calcium contains 1514 mg of calcium per cup. That’s your daily recommendation in just one glass! Juice, however, can be high in sugar, so drink it in moderation.  If your child drinks juice, make sure to serve the recommended, age-appropriate limits.

To read the entire article visit

The remainder of the article highlights 7 over non-dairy, calcium-rich foods that are good for your teeth:

  • Whey Powder
  • Tofu with Added Calcium
  • Canned Fish
  • Beans
  • Almonds
  • Leafy Green Vegetables
  • Soymilk

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

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