Sunday, 31 January 2016

6 Habits That Harm Your Teeth (And How to Break Them): Brushing Too Hard

The habit: Brushing for two minutes twice a day is one of the best habits you can get into. Just make sure you’re not trying too hard. “Brushing with a hard toothbrush, or brushing too hard, can damage teeth and irritate gums,” says Dr. Matthew Messina.

The solution: Use a soft toothbrush with the ADA Seal of Acceptance at the proper pressure. “Don’t think ‘scrub.’  Think ‘massage,’” he says. “Save the hard toothbrush for cleaning the grout in the bathroom tile.”

To read the entire article please visit

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Do White Teeth Mean Healthy Teeth?

Learn what the American Dental Association's answer is to the question: "Do White Teeth Mean Healthy Teeth?".

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Importance of Baby Teeth By Dr. Stephanie DeFilippo

Importance of Baby Teeth
By Dr. Stephanie DeFilippo

Many people underestimate the importance of their children’s primary teeth, to the extent that they don’t brush or treat the teeth when problems arise. I have heard “they are only baby teeth” and “they will fall out” too many times to count. In reality, these teeth need as much care and attention as permanent teeth.

Baby teeth start to form in early pregnancy. This is yet another reason to be healthy during pregnancy. Moms should start out by taking good care of their own teeth by having optimal homecare and getting a cleaning and exam every six months. After a baby is born, the first tooth generally erupts around 6 months. As these first teeth come in, they should be kept clean because they are susceptible to decay. “Baby bottle cavities” are real and happen more than they should. After nursing or bottle-feeding, a finger brush, toothbrush, or washcloth can be used to keep baby’s new teeth clean. If you start a child out brushing early, they understand the importance as they grow older. Some children don’t allow brushing and may make it very difficult to keep their teeth clean. I tell all of the parents who visit the office that brushing is a battle that they need to fight and win. If not, cavities on baby teeth can quickly lead to pain and infection for your little ones.

Parents need to find a dental home for their children by the time they meet their first birthday. This is important so your dentist can do an exam for any early decay, talk about healthy habits, and provide education about daily homecare and diet.

Should your child get a cavity in their baby teeth, the dentist will take into consideration how much longer the tooth will be in the mouth, as well as the size of the cavity. Your child will lose their front four top and bottom teeth around the age of seven, but the back baby teeth won’t be lost until around ages 10 to 13. So, a child who is seven with a cavity on a back tooth should have it treated. Cavities don’t get smaller, or stay the same. They only grow larger and become more of a problem with potential pain.

Baby teeth function to allow your child to eat, smile, and talk. If lost or decayed, these functions can be hindered for your child. Also, the baby teeth help hold the space for your child’s permanent teeth. This is important for further space maintenance. This is why it is important to see your dental professional to work on prevention. This includes helping your child brush and floss every morning and night and getting cleanings every six months with professionally applied fluoride. You may think that children can brush on their own, but most of the time they need some help keeping all of the tooth surfaces clean.

As always, your local pediatric dentist can answer any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS is co-owner of Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates and a board certified pediatric dentist.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Sunday, 24 January 2016

6 Habits That Harm Your Teeth (And How to Break Them): Grinding and Clenching

The habit: “This can cause chipping or cracking of the teeth, as well as muscle tenderness or joint pain,” Dr. Messina says. “You might also feel like you can’t open your mouth wide or chew with pain.”

The solution: “Relaxation exercises and staying aware makes a difference,” he says. A nighttime mouthguard can also help. “You’ll have less tooth damage, less pain and muscle soreness and better sleep.”

To read the entire article please visit

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Sensitive Teeth

Learn what the American Dental Association has to say about sensitive teeth.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Why Do Teeth Darken?

Learn what the American Dental Association's answer is to the question: "Why Do Teeth Darken?".

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Healthy gums could lead to a healthy heart

The association between gum diseases and heart disease is not a secret anymore. It has always raised a question in my mind if maintaining good oral health can help me achieve good overall health. Well, the answer is “yes.” Maintaining good oral health can save us from spending thousands of dollars on preventing heart diseases. We can say that proper brushing and flossing can help us maintain a healthy heart. According to the American Academy of Periodontolgy, people with gum diseases are twice as likely to develop coronary artery disease, one of the leading causes of heart attacks.

Atherosclerosis also known as “hardening of arterial wall” is one of the major etiological factors of heart disease. This occurs due to deposition of plaque (formed by accumulation of fat and other blood substances on the arterial wall). This can eventually clog the artery leading to complete blockage of coronary arteries precipitating into stroke.

To read the entire article written by Swati Yadav, please visit

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884 

Sunday, 3 January 2016

New Years Resolution 2016: Hit the gym and fix that smile.

New Years Resolution 2016: Hit the gym and fix that smile.

By Richard J. Moses, III, D.M.D.

 It's that special time of year again. Time to make some New Years resolutions and promise not to break them! Aside from the annual decision to truly become a regular at the local gym, I am planning on sitting in my own chair this year. Braces is what we are talking about. That famed adolescent arsenal of torture devises known as orthodontic treatment. As it has been said before; braces, they're not just for kids anymore.

Straight teeth, a better bite, and a sweet smile might improve your oral health. That glowing smile might just make you feel better as well. What better resolution to go hand and hand with that new physique than a beautiful smile to sport.

The truth is, there are large numbers of adults undergoing orthodontic treatment and for good reason. Why would any self respecting adult subject themselves to an adolescent right of passage? Simply put, things have changed. Just as we don't have to use those "corded" phones anymore, orthodontic technology has improved as well. Orthodontists now have many options available for the adult seeking an enhanced smile. Along with the traditional silver metal braces, we also have self-lighting braces which may decrease how often you have to visit the orthodontist. That may mean less missed work or more time at the gym. On second thought, maybe missing a little more work and spending a little more quality time with your super cool orthodontist seems like a better idea. I'll leave that choice up to you. If sliver metal is not your cup of tea, we also have esthetic options such as tooth colored braces and clear aligners which are removable. Some orthodontists even offer braces that are placed on the tongue side of your teeth to hide them from prying eyes. To match these high tech braces, we also have high tech wires. Newer materials may allow a more gentle tooth movement and some wires will even move your teeth based on the temperature inside your mouth!

Better materials can't account for the entire reason that adults are seeking the care of an orthodontist. Some just couldn't afford treatment as a child while others had treatment but didn't wear their retainers and have had some relapse. Whatever the reason, orthodontic treatment is relatively affordable now. Consider that this is an investment that can and should last for the rest of your life with good care and retainer wear. Second, most orthodontists offer a wide range of payment options to fit your needs. This can range from zero down with no interest payments to discounts and courtesies with lump sum payments. We want you to have that smile you have always wanted and for it to be affordable.

This all sounds good, but you don't want braces for "five years" again! Once again, orthodontists have an option for you. Most treatments take less than two years and some can be completed in a matter of months! Want the complete make over? We have a comprehensive option that could include everything from jaw surgery to just full braces or clear aligners. Want only the upper or lower teeth straightened, limited treatment may be for you. Just need a "touch-up", a removable appliance or set of removable clear aligners may suit you well. Maybe you have a missing tooth and need something limited to make that implant fit. Whatever your needs and desires may be, there's a great chance that your local orthodontist has something just for you!

Richard J. Moses, III, D.M.D. is a dual trained orthodontist and pediatric dentist at Gettysburg Dental Associates & Just Kids. He specializes in child and adult orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS 
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884