Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Dental Sealants for Children

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about the importance of dental sealants as a preventive dental treatment for your children!

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884

Monday, 30 May 2016

Do I Need a Root Canal?

If you have been experiencing problems with a tooth, you may wonder, "Do I need a root canal?" Root canals, also known as endodontic therapy, are performed when the nerve or pulp of the tooth becomes infected and inflammed due to dental decay, a cracked or broken tooth or an injury to the tooth, according to the American Dental Association. During the procedure, a dentist uses a drill to remove both the nerve and pulp and seals up the tooth to protect against further damage. Only your dentist or a dental specialist called an endodontist, can determine whether a root canal will adequately treat your problem. Here are a few possible symptoms of the need for a root canal and some steps for dealing with them.

General Possible Symptoms
The most common symptom that may indicate the need for a root canal is tooth pain, according to the American Association of Endodontists. The intensity of the pain can range from mild to severe; it may lessen or intensify throughout the day, or it may get worse only when you bite down on the tooth. Some patients experience prolonged sensitivity to hot food or liquids. Your gums may also feel tender and swollen near the problem area.

First Steps
If you notice any of the above symptoms, contact your dentist right away. Explain your symptoms by phone to a staff member, who may arrange for you to come in right away or may recommend emergency care depending on the severity of your symptoms. To soothe the pain and alleviate swelling, apply an ice pack to the outside of your jaw. 

To read the entire article written by Rebecca Desfosse, please visit Colgate.com

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Stress & Oral Health

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about Stress and your Oral Health!

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884

Monday, 23 May 2016

When Surgical Extraction of Teeth is Necessary

You want to keep your teeth for a lifetime, but circumstances can arise that prompt your dentist to recommend removing a tooth for the good of your dental health. And although many of your teeth are easily removable, it's occasionally more complicated, and requires a more involved procedure. Here's why the surgical extraction of teeth may become necessary, and how your dentist differentiates these procedures from others.

Why Can't a Tooth be Saved?
The American Dental Association (ADA) Mouth Healthy site suggests teeth are usually removed due to trauma, disease or crowding. When a tooth cannot be repaired with a filling or a crown because of an accident or extensive decay, an extraction may be your best recourse. Teeth that aren't supported by enough bone due to periodontal disease are also candidates for removal, according to Warren Dentistry, necessitating the use of a gum-protecting toothpaste like Colgate TotalÆ Clean Mint following extraction. Infected (abscessed) teeth that don't respond to root canal treatment may need to be taken out, as well.

Keep in mind it's not unusual for an orthodontist to recommend an extraction or two before orthodontic treatment begins because of crowed teeth. Similarly, wisdom teeth are frequently extracted because of the awkward position in which they grow behind your molars.

To read the entire article written by Donna Pleis, please visit Colgate.com

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Periodontal Screening

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about Periodontal Screening!

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Like Parent, Like Child: Good Oral Health Starts at Home

Parents are a child's first teacher in life and play a significant role in maintaining his or her overall health. Providing oral health education to mothers and families is essential to teaching children healthy habits and preventing early childhood tooth decay, according to an article published in the May/June 2010 issue of General Dentistry, the peer-reviewed clinical journal of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD).

With all of the challenges that new parents face, they may not think much about the link between their child's oral health and overall health. In fact, an understanding of oral hygiene can help parents to prevent tooth decayóthe single most common chronic childhood disease in Americaóand to create a lifetime of healthy habits for their child.

"Ideally, the oral health education for any family will begin with prenatal education and the establishment of a dental home by the time the child is 12 to 18 months of age," says Tegwyn Brickhouse, DDS, author of the study. "Many people don't realize that the oral health of the mother affects both the infant's future oral health and the child's overall health. In fact, some studies show that periodontal disease has been linked to preterm labor. That's why pregnant women should be evaluated for cavities, poor oral hygiene, gingivitis, loose teeth and diet."

After the child is born, families should become familiar with their child's dental and oral health milestones, which will be determined by discussion with the family dentist or a pediatric dentist. Children should have their first dental visit at age 1 or within six months of the eruption of their first tooth. A dentist will be able to discuss when parents can expect to see a child's first tooth and the best technique for brushing his or her new teeth.

Diet is another factor that affects a child's oral health. Frequent and long-term exposure to liquids that contain sugars commonly results in tooth decay. In addition to eliminating sugary drinks altogether from a child's diet, parents can adopt other habits to prevent tooth decay due to beverage consumption.

"Parents should avoid giving their children milk, formula, juice or soda at naptime or nighttime," says Bruce DeGinder, DDS, MAGD, spokesperson for the AGD. "The sugars will linger on their teeth and gums for a prolonged period of time, promoting decay."

Parents are responsible for their child's oral hygiene practices and are advised to meet with a general dentist to determine the best way to establish and maintain their child's oral health. A general dentist also can provide families with oral health literature that is designed to educate both the parent and child. This education has multiple benefits; as Dr. Brickhouse notes, "Healthy teeth in early childhood can provide a positive self-image and improve the child's quality of life."

To read the entire article please visit KnowYourTeeth.com

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Regular Visits To The Dentist Can Give Warning Signs for Diabetes

Learn what Delta Dental of New Jersey has to say about how 'Regular Visits To The Dentist Can Give Warning Signs for Diabetes'.

The above video is found on the Delta Dental of New Jersey YouTube Channel.

Gettysburg Dental Associates
Eric Seidel, DMD  |  Cleveland Null, DDS
Just Kids at Gettysburg Dental Associates
Stephanie DeFilippo, DDS  |  Kristin Russo, DMD
353 York Street Front
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: (717) 334-8193
Fax: (717) 334-0884